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Join us now! ZUST International Alumni Association Open for Application

Mar 26, 2021    Hits:

Global connection | Close tie with ZUST | Insight into China

To better serve and empower ZUST international alumni to go beyond - beyond borders, limits and expectations - ZUST hereby announces that ZUST International Alumni Association (hereinafter referred to as ZIAA) is open for application by April 25th. We are looking for ZUST international alumni who are motivated to organize and advance alumni work as ZIAA members.

What is ZIAA?

ZIAA is affiliated to and supported by ZUST Alumni Association. We are dedicated to serving as a platform to connect with fellow alumni, ZUSTers and other professionals. A suite of services will be expected as introduction to ways to work in China, job market info, alumni profile showcase, regular seminars and workshops, etc.Through various services and programs, ZIAA assists alumni in their quest for excellence.

Is this you?

General requirements:

-Studied or worked at ZUST

-Creative and enthusiastic with alumni work

-Willing to serve as ZUST ambassador to international community

Added advantages:

-Team player and comfortable to work closely with members from different cultural backgrounds

-Solid experience in project management and coordination

-Experienced in social media operation

-Chinese language proficiency skills

What places does ZIAA provide?

(Pls scroll down to the bottom for more information of ZIAA departments)

In ZIAA, you will get to

A. Stay connected with ZUST

B. Expand social or professional networks

C. Meet great minds and minds alike

D. Insight into China and global market backed by global ZUST networks

E. Access to first-hand work info in China

F. Build your personal brand


1. All ZIAA members will be presented with Certificates of Honor.

2. Honorable titles will be conferred to alumni with special contribution.

How to join ZIAA?

A. For application, please scan QR Code 1.

Download and fill in the application form and then email it to before 25th April.

B. For enquiry, please scan either QR Code 2 with WeChat camera or QR Code 3 with WhatsApp camera.

QR Code 1 (Application)

QR Code 2 (Enquiry via WeChat)

QR Code 3 (Enquiry via WhatsApp)  

A Closer Look at ZIAA Positions & Responsibilities:

Note: Office Tenure is 1 year.

u President & Vice President

² To lead, inspire and coordinate all dept. and ensure smooth operation of ZIAA

² To explore ways to better serve alumni and strengthen bonds between alumni and ZUST

u General Office Dept.

² To draft annual work plan and carry out work review

² To seek financial support and undertake financial affairs

² To coordinate departments in implementing work plan

u Advancement & Alumni Relations Dept.

² To set up and run nation-based sub-branch of alumni association

² To set up and run ZUST Alumni Association in China

² To create and update alumni database in a timely manner

u Marketing and Social Media Dept.

² To create an inclusive and supportive environment for online alumni communities

² To identify and develop connections with key alumni

² To keep alumni updated on latest ZUST news, insight into China and global market, alumni updates,etc.

u Alumni Engagement Dept.

² To organize online and offline alumni activities as visits and gathering, annual ZUST visits, etc.

² To provide support for club programs and improve communication and outreach to alumni

² To identify, design incentive mechanism and deliver services for alumni engagement

u Alumni Education and Empowerment Dept.

² To facilitate lifelong learning by organizing seminars and workshops

² To enhance access to professional networks and relationships of the alumni body and assist alumni in building fulfilling career paths.

² To advance ZUST Buddy Program

ZIAA looks forward to your participation and embrace a brighter future.

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