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"Chinese Bridge" Online Program successfully launched

Jan 13, 2021    Hits:

The ZUST "Chinese Bridge" program, organized by ISAC, was officially launched online under student’s expectation on January 11th, 2021. ISAC director Mr. Xia Junsuo delivered a speech on behalf of ZUST in the Opening Ceremony. He expressed warm welcome to "Chinese Bridge" students and sincere appreciation for their active participation in the online program. At the same time, he gave a brief introduction of the university and the national prize achievements as well as the courses and core of the "Chinese Bridge" program, which deeply attracted the students, and activated their curiosity about studying in China.

With the theme of "Contemporary China", this program, for which more than 110 students registered currently, is scheduled for 2 weeks from Jan 11 to Jan 22. Considering the uneven Chinese level of students, the online Chinese language course is divided into three classes, for beginners, intermediate and advanced students. Apart from the Chinese language classes, the program also presents a series of lectures about modern China, which will take Hangzhou as an example, interprets contemporary China from the perspectives of economy, Internet and technological achievements and so on. Meanwhile, Hangzhou will be introduced as a miniature of modern intellectual city of China so as to display modern China to overseas students of this program.

We hope that through this online "Chinese Bridge" program, the participants will be able to further improve their Chinese proficiency, have a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and modern China, and make contributions to the communication between China and their home countries.