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“@Beautiful Zhejiang” Short Video Contest

Nov 4, 2020    Hits:



Co-launched by Zhejiang Education Department, Zhejiang Provincial Government Information Office and Foreign Affairs Office, Zhejiang Radio and Television Group, "@Beautiful Zhejiang" Short Video Contest, series of event of Dream of discovery in Zhejiang is ready to take in short videos no longer than 5 minutes from both home and abroad to show the beautiful landscape, culture, and modernization of the Zhejiang Province.




(i) Awards

The Contest includes 1 first prizes, 2 second prizes, 3 third prizes, and several honorable mentions. Several winners will be invited to Award Ceremony of Dream of discovery in Zhejiang.


1. 作品内容应紧扣主题,真实记录外国留学生在浙江学习生活的感受,真实反映外国留学生对中华文化的喜爱和对美丽浙江的向往,真实展现浙江在数字经济发展改变城市、生活、学习等方面取得的重大成果,力求用小故事、小人物去展现浙江发展大变化、大场景。

(iii) Requirements for works

1. All works submitted shall reflect the contest’s theme and reveal the historical achievements made in Zhejiang in terms of economy, culture, society and ecology, especially the impressive progress concerning the development of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.





Suggested themes, including but not limited to:

Theme 1: Welcome 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 by showing sportsmanship through School Sports Meeting, provide service to Asian Games from different perspectives, such as Volunteers.

Theme 2: Introduce Chinese Culture, especially Zhejiang Culture through rural revitalization, Jinhua Opera, Anji Bamboo Culture, Zhejiang E-commerce and so on.

Theme 3: Experience Zhejiang Life by introducing School Study after Pandemic, Convenient Digital Life, Hangzhou Internship and Job Opportunity and so on.

2. 作品内容逻辑清晰、故事完整,具有正能量,不得涉及暴力、色情、宗教与种族歧视,不得有反动、违法内容,不得植入广告。

2. The works should deliver positive energy and contain no information related to violence, pornography, religious discrimination or racism; Nor should there be any illegal content or advertisement.

3. 作品形态不限,纪录片、访谈、脱口秀等均可,时长5分钟以内。

3. The works can be in the form of a documentary, interview or talk show and shall be within 5 minutes.

4. 作品语言用母语或英语,但视频中需有中英文字幕。

4. Videos can be filmed in any language, but bilingual (Chinese and English) subtitle are required.

5. 视频分辨率1280*720 或以上,格式接受MPGMPEGAVIMOVWMVMP4 文件,支持横或竖屏拍摄;要求视频画面干净,不带角标、台标、水印或logo

5. Please submit videos in MPG, MPEG, AVI, MOV, WMV, or MP4, with a resolution of 1280*720 or above. Both horizontal and vertical videos are fine. No corner logo, channel logo, watermark or any other logos should be present in the videos.

6. 提交的作品必须是参赛者参与主创并拥有完整版权的原创作品,不得使用无版权素材,不得侵犯第三方的著作权、商标权等一切合法权利,严禁抄袭。因作品著作权、版权引起的纠纷,由参赛者承担全部责任。

6. All works submitted should be originally created by the contestants and maintain full copyright, without using any free material, infringing any third party’s copyright, trademark right, or other legal rights, or copying others. Any dispute arising from or out of the infringement of copyright shall be borne by the contestant.


The contest organizing committee and its collaborative organizations are entitled to use the submitted videos in the later display and publicity.



(iv) Registration

Online registration: Email the works to before November 23, 2020 with the subject “Videographer- Works Title - Short Video Contest”.