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Reminders to Degree Students of Passing HSK

Nov 7, 2019    Hits:

Standard for the Quality of Higher Education for International Students in China (Trial)(No. 50[2018]) officially issued by the Ministry of Education of P.R.C in October 2018 stipulates that:

1.International students taking Chinese-taught disciplines and majors shall pass level 5 of International Chinese Competence Standards for Chinese proficiency before graduation.

2.For the disciplines and specialties with foreign language as the instruction language, students shall at least reach level 4 of the International Chinese Competence Standards for Chinese proficiency upon graduation, while postgraduate and doctoral students shall at least pass level 3 of International Chinese Competence Standards.

In order to implement the above-mentioned regulation and further improve the teaching quality, ZUST would like to remind degree students again as follows:

1. Bachelor degree students of Class 2016, 2017 and 2018 majoring in English-taught majors shall pass HSK Level 3 with 180 points or above; Students majoring in Business Chinese shall pass HSK level 5 with 210 points; Other students majoring in Chinese teaching shall pass HSK level 5 with 180 points or above.

2. Bachelor degree students of Class 2019 majoring in English-taught majors shall pass HSK level 4 with 180 points or above; Students majoring in Business Chinese shall pass HSK level 5 with 210 points or above; students majoring in other Chinese-taught programs shall pass HSK level 5, with 180 points or above.

3. There is no HSK requirement for postgraduates of Class 2016, 2017 and 2018 majoring in English-taught majors, but postgraduates of Class 2019 shall pass HSK Level 3 with 180 points or above; all MTSCOL students shall pass HSK level 6 with 180 points or above; other postgraduates of Class 2019 majoring in Chinese-taught majors shall pass HSK level 5 with 180 points or above.