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Chinese and foreign students competed in the “English-Chinese-Bridge” final

Apr 25, 2014    Hits:

Recently, the fourth "English-Chinese-Bridge" final ended. After months’ competition, seven groups of Chinese and foreign students entered the final. Compared to the previous one, this final had added "International Academy Ambassador" selection part.

In the final, seven groups needed to pass three tests. Firstly, each group had to select one piece from the Chinese and foreign classic movies and start the "drama performance" within 8 minutes to show their acting and team cooperation ability. In the "foreign language show", Chinese students recited English poems while foreign students performed Chinese tongue twister, that all of them showed their "foreign language" completely. In "you sing I guess" part, numbers of popular Chinese and foreign songs won collective chorus.

Based on their humorous language, wonderful acting, and excellent cooperation, Funny Guys won the Champion. Dream Chares and Miracle won the second and third respectively. Fatima from Kazakhstan won the honor of "International Academy Ambassador".