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A beauty school and a beauty heart-documentary of returning lost money by our school’s foreign students

Mar 26, 2014    Hits:

Recent days, a Zambian student Chiluba Moses Kapya who majors in civil engineering in our school picked up a black American iphone 5s from a taxi when he went out with his friends. In the phone, there were some important business information and a number of contactors. Immediately, he and his friends asked the driver to contact the owner of the phone, but what a pity that they didn’t get in touch with the owner.

When he returned to school, he handed the phone to the teacher in his college. With the help of teacher, they got in touch with the owner and made a promise to send it to him by express the other day. Facing the returned phone, the owner showed a great thanks to him. He said, "Thanks to the foreign students from ZUST, I do almost give up when I lost my phone during my business trip to Hangzhou. But surprised to know that these warm-hearted foreign friends picked it up and sent it back to me, and didn’t make it being picked by any bad men. Thanks a lot."

Mr.Du sent a silk banner from Shandong Province to show his sincere appreciation, and asked the teacher to show his thanks to these students. This nice behavior of returning lost phone by Chiluba Moses Kapya and his friends well reflected the magnificent moral sentiments and the spirits of our school’s foreign students. His college also praised the good behavior of him and his friends, and called on other colleges’ students to learn from them.