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The kite festival--Gone with the youthfulness

Mar 26, 2014    Hits:

Here came the spring and the flowers were in bloom. In order to strengthen the communication and friendship between the foreign and Chinese students, as well as enriching the after-class life and making the heart get closer to the sunshine, the kite festival theme on" Where Do The Kites Go" was held at the Round Square.

Late at 1:30 in the afternoon, each group drew different patterns on their kites. When started, the square was caulked with screaming and yelling. Presented in front of all the students was a sea of joy and happiness. The kite flew higher and higher, with their dreams on it, rushing to the sky.

At the end of the competition, students who got the first was awarded a lamp as a gift, the second and third got a piggy bank and a pillow respectively. Every competitor got the postcard of the kite series. May the kite hold our dream and friendship, and fly higher above the sky.